Veterinary Services
Pet Acupuncture
Acupuncture maximizes the body’s ability to heal itself. Even when acupuncture fails to resolve a problem, it may reduce the need for medications and improve quality of life.
Pet Acupuncture in Chino Valley, AZ
Acupuncture uses fine needles and when placed in identified points, the needles increase blood circulation, which achieves better healing. Acupuncture stimulates the nervous system and increases the release of certain hormones to help reduce a pet’s and provide benefits such as:
- Increased circulation.
- Modulating the immune system.
- Relieving muscle spasms & pain.
- The release of neurochemicals, including endorphins.
- Optimizing healthy nerve transmission.
- Regulating hormone levels.
At Circle L Animal Hospital, we are fortunate to have three doctors who are certified, experienced veterinary acupuncture practitioners.
In addition to dry needling, we also offer electroacupuncture, which is a modern variation on the therapy and involves passing electrical currents between pairs of needles. A recent study showed that electroacupuncture of certain immune-stimulating points causes the release of stem cells into the bloodstream.